Chaste Tree Berry
Vitex Agnus Castus
Parts Used: Berries (fruits/seeds). Picked in autumn at full maturity and dried.
Indications: Used to for hormonal balance in order to regulate an erratic menstrual cycle and PMS. Also used for the treatment of: herpes, premenstrual, acne, polymenorrhea, secondary amenorrhea, uterine fibroids, and menopause with hot flashes. It also can be used as a galactagogue to increase milk flow. Stabilizes the HPA axis. It affects the pituitary gland in such a way that it corrects and regulates the secretion of progesterone from the ovaries. It can treat a deficiency of either estrogen or progesterone.
I wish more teenage girls new about this herb. It helps so much to regulate the hormones and relieve acne as a result of PMS or any kind of hormonal imbalance which most teenagers face. A lot of them as the body's normal way of adjusting to puberty, but also the chemical diet they are so persuaded by.
Actions: Female Reproductive Tonic, Galactagogue, Alterative, Emmenagogue.
Contradictions: This herb is sometimes recommended for prevention of miscarriages related to low-progesterone. However, it is mostly not recommended due to its emmenagogue effect. May counteract the effectiveness of birth control and other hormone therapy. If PMS symptoms worsen, the herb should not be used further.
Dosage: Infusion: 1 teaspoon of crushed fruits per cup of water; or 1:3 dry liquid extract: 20-75 drops 1-4 times per day.
Black Cohosh
Actea Racemosal Cimifuga Racemosa
Parts Used: Roots and rhizome dug during dormancy (fall/winter) and used dried or fresh.
Indications: Can be used to treat PMS, weak, irregular, or delayed menses and menopause symptoms. It also has an antidepressant effect for a depression that feels heavy, dark, and oppressive (black cloud depression). Black Cohosh can be used for traumas to the nervous system that create congestion and pain. These traumas can be physical such as a car accident or they can be mental/emotional such as sexual abuse of children in which physical trauma may not be present, but mental/emotional trauma remains prevalent. Sometimes used during labor, although using it during early pregnancy is disputed.
I have used this for delayed periods and it works within hours of dosage.
Constituents: Terpene glycoside fraction, including actein and cimifugoside. The rhizome also contains other potentially biologically active substances, including alkaloids, flavonoids, and tannins.
Actions: Antispasmodic, Sedative, Diaphoretic, Digestive Stimulant, Mild Expectorant, Peripheral Vasodilator, Hypertensive, Female Reproductive Tract Tonic, Anti-inflammatory, Analgesic, and Diuretic
Contradictions: DO NOT use during first trimester due to emmenagogue effect. Overdose symptoms include: slowed heart rate, hypotension, bradycardia, nausea, vomiting, injected conjuctiva, flushed face, dilated pupils, lightheadedness, frontal headache with severe bursting sensation, stiffness and trembling limbs, decreased blood pressure and joint pain.
Dosage: Decoction: 1 heaping teaspoon per cup of water; or 1:3 dry plan liquid extract: 10-40 drops 1-4 times per day.
Blue Cohosh
Caulophyllum Thalictroides
Parts Used: Rhizome and roots dug during dormancy in the fall/winter. Can be used fresh or dried.
Indications: Blue Cohosh has the ability to effectively balance the uterus. It can slow an excessive period or bring on delayed menstruation. This herb is good when there is reproductive tract debility as a result of chronic inflammatory conditions.It is mostly used for relaxing spastic uterine miuscles, uterine atrophy, menstrual cramps, cervical vericose veins, and atonic conditions. It is often used during labor to relieve false labor pains and during childbirth to make the entire delivery less painful. It also contributes to a quicker recovery time post childbirth. It is considered for problems with the male reproductive tract, as well. For symptoms of impotence.
Actions: Emmenagogue, Antirheumatic, Antispasmodic, Diuretic, Diaphoretic, Parturaficient, Expectorant, Female Reproductive Tract Tonic, and Nervine
Contradictions: Increases blood flow to pelvis, so must be used carefully for women with heavy menstruation. In a study with rats it inhibited their ovulation. Should not be used during pregnancy as it is highly stimulating to the uterus. It may be used during pregnancy ONLY under the guidance of a trained healthcare professional. Overdose symptoms include: nausea, vomiting, headache, thirst, dilated pupils, muscle weakness, incoordination, constriction of coronary blood vessels, cardiovascular collapse and convulsions and thus should not be used for patients with angina or cardiac insufficiency.
In my experience, blue cohosh combined with black cohosh is sort of a one-two punch for getting you period going and toning the uterus.
Dosage: Decoction: 1 heaping teaspoon in a cup of water; or 1:5 dry plant liquid extract: 10-30 drops 1-4 times per day in a little water.
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